INFORMED CONSENT; what it is and what it isn't
In the Spirit of Informed Consent: Making an Informed Decision. A frank discussion about risk using the H1N1 vaccine as an example.
Why you need to Question Authority!:
Understanding U.S. Birth Trends & How They Might Effect You
An example of why pregnant or birthing mothers must be vigilant protecting their right to informed consent:
More on Why Women Need to Question Authority
A Positive Cesarean Birth (with video): You have a right to as natural & positive cesarean birth as possible!
Understanding off label drugs used by your OB on you:
Let's Talk About Off Label Use, Cytotec and You
More on understanding off label drug use:
Popular Antidepressant Linked to Major Birth Defects
A Sign on a Door: Utah Hospital Objects to Doulas, Bradley and Birth Plans. Find out what's happening in our community.
Informed Consent: Local Woman Given Medication Without Her Knowledge.
Read about one of my many hospital experiences concerning this topic.
Shocking Article in Huffington Post: Can a Laboring Woman's State of Mind be Used to Force Her to Have a Surgical Birth? Can Her Refusal to Undergo Major Abdominal Surgery be Used to Remove Her Child from Her Care?
Read about this tragic New Jersey Case.
Kangaroo Care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Wonderful story of how one woman stood up for her rights in the midst of a very difficult situations.
New Guidelines Aim to Reduce Repeated C-Sections: Putting this national story into local, historical, political and doula perspective.
Why you should think twice before saying yes to a repeat cesarean section:
Good Newsweek Article on V-BACS
Rise in California Maternal Death Rate Linked to Cesarean Sections. Learn why you might want to skip that induction or planned C-section.
A Safe Place: Our International Cesarean Awareness Network(ICAN).
Why is the need for this important organization re-emerging in our community?
One Cesarean Story: Bodie's Birth; an example of how our system should work.
Check out this great new site with lots of vbac info.

Health-care Legislation Increases Birth Options: Women Covered by Medicaid are Insured for Delivery at Birth Centers as well as Hospitals.
Read my commentary published in the New Times.
The Day President Obama Signed the Health Care Bill:
Read my viewpoint published in The Tribune about how this will benifit women across America.
A Victory for Mothers and Babies.
Hear what the Mama Campaign has to say about passage of the Health Care Bill.
More Great News about the Health Care Legislation.
Hear what Childbirth Connection has to say about the Bill.
E-mail Correspondence with Congresswoman Lois Capps.
Hear what she says about her role in expanding women's birth choices.
Ina May's thoughts: Comparing the medical view of women's bodies and birth to the midwifery model.
More wisdom from Ina May:
Why Homebirth is Necessary.
Have you checked out the
Birth Survey to learn what other moms have to say?

Hear my speech at historic Midwifery Celebration.
Speaking for Midwives: My thoughts on why midwives and midwifery are important.
Midwifery; a David and Goliath Tale: Learn about the struggle midwives and birthing women have had over the centuries.
How One Midwife Has Made a Difference in Our Community: Sandy Rodriguez has Touched the Lives of thousands of Women in Our Community.
Learn about the dollars and cents impact of midwifery care.
A Good Midwife: My thoughts on some of the things I believe makes a good midwife, no matter where she practices.