I love catching this precious moment on film. Welcome Desiree!
Born on 8/9/10
We never know how birth will go. At classes we try to prepare first time parents for the idea that things can go very quickly, the 50 yard dash babies, or very slowly, the marathon babies. Accepting whatever you are experiencing and going with the flow is the important thing. If a couple is having a fast birth the dads are often left one step behind because they were mentally preparing for a marathon. When the baby arrives they are astounded! It's done? The babies here? How can that be?
Desiree James was born at home one unassuming Monday morning. Daddy went off to work. I mentioned that I was feeling "A little uncomfortable". Two short hours later my water broke and I called him back. I laboured quickly. Like Superwoman, Jennifer arrived and gave us the leadership and support we needed. I was having surges so closely together that my partner was unsure of how to help me. Jennifer immediately helped us into a more suitable birthing position. She used her calming voice and loving hands to ease our labour and reassure our progress. What a magical day it was. We had our baby girl in our arms, and all in the comfort of our own home. Thank you Jennifer for your professional and loving care!
There is nothing sweeter than being able to tuck a mom, dad and baby into their own bed after the birth is done. Leaving the house cleaned up, food available and supportive family at the ready feels just right. I'm a believer in what Dorothy said, "There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home."
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