Local La Leche League: group and individual support and counseling.
Local La Leche League: face book page with meeting notices and more.
Local Warm Line: staffed by lactation consultants; telephone help, classes and one-on-one support. Call 541-BABY.

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding is the easiest to read most comprehensive book available. You can borrow it from La Leche League's library section at the Santa Lucia Birth Center in SLO
Andrea Herron's Growing with Baby private practice lactation consultant with an office in SLO.
Lindsey Law's Lactation LuLu is a private practice lactation consultant who makes home visits.
Lisa Marasco is a lactation consultant in Santa Maria. Call 937-9717.
Each of our local hospitals have lactation consultants on staff. Call the hospital where you birthed for help. Did you birth at home? Call your midwife. Need more help? All mothers regardless of where or with whom they birthed are welcome at French Hospital's Breastfeeding Clinic. Call 541-BABY.
Look for the San Luis Obispo Breastfeeding Coalition's Breastfeeding Resource Guide at your OB or pediatrician's office.
Low Milk Supply Resource: This is a serious and often complicated problem.
Interview with Lisa Marasco, author of The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk: Breastfeeding After Previous Low Milk Supply.
Nursing Nooks: As a first time mother you may be a bit shy about breastfeeding in public. This is normal. What you need is a quiet removed spot in the county to nurse while you are out and about. Find one here.
Our Local Baby Friendly Certified Hospital: Where you choose to birth impacts your chances for breastfeeding success.
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