I am Proud to Say I am an Attached Parent
Occasionally I ask a guest to write a piece for my blog. For Attachment Parenting month I posted a simple question in my Holistic Mamas and Papas group. What does Attachment Parenting mean to you? One of my mamas wrote such a lovely paragraph I asked her to expand on her ideas for my blog. Then I invited her to be my guest on the radio to discuss parenting more. Since Emily is a fairly new mama, Lucia is still under one, I also asked a veteran mama, Shelly Candelario, to join us on the show. Both these mamas exhibit such thoughtful caring and commitment to their kids my heart was deeply touched. They also spoke candidly about the struggle to create balance in their personal, family, and professional lives. As a veteran attached parent myself this is a very personal subject to me. I could write volumes on it and still not be done. Instead I invite you to read Emily's post. Then listen to our discussion on the radio. Next read a book, visit a La Leche League meeting or join my Holistic Mamas and Papas. You'll find all that info at the end of Emily's piece. First let her inspire you.
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