My classes weave heart learning, intellectual learning and physical practices together in a careful balance of caring, fun, creativity and stimulating thoughts. As a doula in San Luis Obispo for twenty years I know women birth best when all of these areas are nurtured to expand and grow during pregnancy.
Creating an atmosphere which allows couples to feel safe is important. When we turn on music, light candles and practice focused relaxation or visualize giving birth women tune into their own intuition about their body and birth. They in turn can communicate to their partners what they can do to help them through the process.
Potlucks are part of the process! To break bread, talk and laugh together builds community. Pregnancy is a time of growth and connection between partners and the world of parenting. Nothing beats a home environment for learning about birth no matter where you are planning to have your baby. For this St. Paddy's Day class couples where greeted by the smell of fresh baked Irish Soda bread. Dads brought Guinness beer and moms supplied plenty of good healthy greens to eat.
Friendships blossom as moms blossom. Connections are strengthened through a private Facebook group and moms are invited to join my "Whole"istic Mamas group to continue these supportive relationships after babies come.
Thoughtful discussion flows after simple creative drawing or word association exercises help everyone tune into their interior life.
Crafting concrete personal positive affirmation cards to post around their homes help couples stay positive and empowered as the big day draws near.

The reading homework in Special Delivery is helpful to fill in any missing pieces. Reading birth stories from Ina May's book fills women with the knowledge that women ARE designed to do this work and they can do it too! Notebooks full of additional information are loaned to be used as much or as little as desired. My extensive library of books and movies are also available to my clients.
I enjoy teaching a mixed group of in and out of hospital clients because of the thought provoking discussion. A balanced respectful discussion leaves everyone feeling more confident in their choices.
A mix of real props to see and touch, communication practices and role playing in my Becoming an Educated Consumer, If a Problem Arises and Facing Our Fears classes take the fear of the unknown away and teach couples what choices may come their way during their birth. Accurate unbiased consumer information is key to creating the birth you want.
My years as a doula have taught me beautiful positive births are possible everywhere!
And then there's love. Lighting my birth mama candle sets the mood for an intimate chat about the role oxytocin, the love hormone, plays in labor and what you can do to encourage it to flow. Simple tools that speak to the 5 senses enhance birth energy and are easy for partners to master. Tuning into our partners through touch, dancing, and simple massage teaches the partners their most important labor tool, loving connection.

The last 2 classes are devoted to parenting. What could be better than answering all the questions expecting parents have about parenting a newborn?
I love teaching new parents about all the amazing things their new baby will be capable of right from the start.
I demonstrate how to get breastfeeding off to a great start and invite all my clients to join me as I lead La Leche League meetings.

Graduation Potluck means learning from the experts; couples who have become parents in the last few months. Telling their birth stories in the sharing circle help couples process their birth. Sharing the highs and lows of their labors gives a realistic window into birth for the waiting couples. Giving real world common sense survival tips on how to get through the first weeks of parenting is mutually beneficial, expectant parents become more prepared and new parents get to see how far they have come in just a few short weeks.
The private Facebook group serves many purposes, simple communication of class logistics and reminders, potluck sign-ups, or recipe sharing.

Pregnant mamas are encouraged to find and post their own images of power, flexibility, and strength to help them keep the faith during labor.
I post many inspiring images and quotes, as well as, links to the latest studies. After the classes end we all post words of encouragement as moms wait for the big day to finally arrive.
And of course baby photos! Each baby is welcomed by all. The leaders in the class give pep talks to the moms still waiting while the waiting moms send warm wishes and way to goes to the couples who have already birthed.
Reunions are fun! Whether the group chooses a park, a home or the beach, joy and pride fills the air.
Themed reunions seem especially delightful for everyone.
Now it's on to La Leche League meetings and "Whole"istic Mamas park days for the mothers. All of my class and doula clients are invited to join my Becoming a Family support group; the only parenting classes for moms AND dads in the county.
Let's connect and talk about when, where and how you can begin classes!
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